Common over-the-counter eye-care products
Disclaimer: Laser and Corneal Surgery Associates, and affiliates, does not have any financial conflicts of interest related to eye-care products. We do not receive any form of monetary compensation by the manufacturers of these products. We recommend these products based on either personal or patient experience (often both), along with literature research on ingredients, mechanism of action, and formulation. Like a brand of hand lotion, everyone has a personal preference; medical literature does not state that any one brand is better/worse than another. This page is intended as a starting point to navigating the myriad options for consumers when shopping for eye care products.
Artificial Tears
Light Artificial Tears
(immediate relief)
(Allergan) Refresh Plus
(Alcon) Systane Ultra
(Abbot) Blink Tears
Heavy Artificial Tears
(Allergan) Refresh Omega-3
(Bausch and Lombe) Soothe XP
(Ocusoft) Retaine MGD
Gel Drops
Refresh Cellulovisc
Refresh Optive Gel
Systane Gel Drops
Preservative-Free: We recommend preservative-free eyedrops for all patients taking eyedrops more than 3 times/day, as the preservative may build-up in your eye and cause irritation.
Eye Ointment
Eye Gel Ointment
Genteal Gel Severe
Systane Gel Overnight Therapy
PM Ointment (Petrolatum & Mineral Oil)
Refresh PM
Lubrifresh PM
Retaine PM
Eyelid Hygiene
Eyelid Cleanser Solution
Disposable Lid Wipes
Ocusoft Lid Scrub
Systane Lid Wipes